April 7, 2010,

credit: jaymeson jeffers

7:16 PM

December 30, 2008,

I just realized that it's 3:25 AM. Holy crap, it feels like summer but it's really winter..? If that made sense? El. Oh. El. xD

How have you guys been? That's awesome. (: I have band practice in a few days, then I got a gig in Chicago in like.. a week. Shit, this band is going far! I'll tell you what, if I get the chance I'll get some pictures or video from practice so you guys can see what we sound like? :D I highly doubt Sara will allow this though, she's a spazz about those kinds of things. (:

Ugh, Brian is bringing his whore of a girlfriend to practice. O_O; I'm going to shoot myself now so I don't have to worry about her constantly bagging on me. It get really annoying, really fast. Like, I take one glance at her and I'm just like 'annoyed.' Well, I'm off. I have lessons tomorrow and stuff like that. I'm not excited to go back to school. I have to recite a prose/verse for my speech class. It's not exciting at all. I'm actually quite nervous about it.. :/

Question of the Day?: How many of you guys think that ZacharyxBinks and Strawburry17 [Zack and Meghan] are adorable?


1:25 AM

December 28, 2008,

I haven't blogged in quite sometime! It's just, I forgot my password to this and when I got a new laptop it was even harder for me.. and shit. That sounds totally lame, but it's totally fucking true! D: On a lighter note, I must say I've been pretty happy with how this year is ending. I mean, new laptop, new cell phone, new beginnings with friends and family, and most of all a new outlook on life. If this is how the year is going to end, I can't wait for next year to begin! Oh, and I've been listening to Avenged Sevenfold, Bullet For My Valentine, Fall Out Boy, Kanye West, Lady GaGa, and Beyonce quite obsessively lately. (:

I went and saw my cousins in California/Ohio/Texas. It was pretty nice, they haven't changed since we were in 6th grade. Which is hilarious. :D They're still obsessed with Fall Out Boy [like hardcore] I kinda just laughed and was like "I stopped being a 'hardcore' fan in like 8th grade after Honda Civic Tour. Then I got into Avenged Sevenfold and Slipknot.. xD I'm a weirdass. That's all for today guys. Many apologies, and much love for holding tight.

Question of the Day?: Synyster Gates or Zacky Vengeance?

Sorry guys, Synyster Gates. ALFW. He's so gorgeous. Yum! <3 ;P

10:05 PM

December 24, 2008,

Our family has a tradition. What is this tradition you ask? Well..

On Christmas Eve, at 6pm we open everything underneath the tree and get into our stockings. No other time is permitted. Strictly, 6pm. The reason we do so is because it's easier for us on Christmas Day to go to my aunt and uncle's house early to open gifts there. Since my mom and I take so long to get ready, could also be another reason as to why this happens. x]

But, I want to wish you guys a Merry Christmas Eve&Merry Christmas. Be safe, and have fun. (:


Question of the Day?: Do you like the lame new x-mas specials?

I sure as hell don't. They're annoying, and really really epicly lame. Epicly isn't a word, but it is now. :D The only new x-mas special that I like is 'Merry Kinishmas' CHOWDER. (;

11:31 AM

December 23, 2008,

Laptop came in yesterday, and it has vista.. but whatever. That's beside the point.

Is anyone else as disgusted with the Economy as I am? D:

ANYWAY, on to less important things. My DVD player started smoking when I tried watching The Dark Knight.. D: So, I can't watch DVD's anymore. Which really pisses me off. I've seen the movie about a thousand times anyway so it doesn't even matter, I could just watch it in the family room, but my brother is being gay out there. Oh well, I'll just switch the DVD player in my room with his since he doesn't even use his. Mhmm. Two more days until Christmas, is anyone else as excited about it as I am?! :D

writing writing writing.
fun fun fun.
party party party. :D

That's All. x)

Question of the Day?: Stephenie Meyer or J.K. Rowling?

STEPHENIE STEPHENIE STEPHENIE STEPHENIE. (: Why? Well.. only one word. "Twlight."

12:15 PM

December 22, 2008,

In the strangest place. >_<;; I'll tell you the story.

So there I am, just listening to A7X [Avenged Sevenfold for you n00bs] and I was like "You know what? I've never even seen the band live, and I have no idea what they look like.." and my cousin was all "You haven't?! Seriously.. Zacky Vengeance is so.. -drools-" So I went to google and decided I'd google these guys. As I'm looking at pictures, I realize how extremely cute Zacky is. As well as Matt Shadows.. So I started looking at just Matt Shadows pictures and I've found a new member to add to my Celebrity Crush List. n_n

Here's the list as of now. ^__^

1. Sean Faris (; [Yours, Mine, and Ours. Never Back Down.]
2. Robert Pattinson (; [TWILIGHT<3]
3. Adam Siska :D :D :D I MET HIM! <3 [The Academy Is...]
4. Gabe Saporta :D :D :D I MET HIM TOO! <3 [Cobra Starship]
5. JOHN COOK <3 <3 <3 I MET HIM AS WELL! [Forever The Sickest Kids]
6. Jake Gylenhaal[sp?] (; [Zodiac]
7. Matt Shadows [A7X]

Question of the Day?: What are your plans for the Holidays?
I'm sure I've asked this before but whatever. (: I'm going to Cali, Texas, Ohio, and Oakville. So I'm pretty much pumped. I'm in Ohio right now. :D

11:39 AM

December 21, 2008,

Blue Collar Comedy Tour. (:
I've been watching this stuff since 1 o'clock. I can always laugh, not even lying. I wanna say congratulations to Strawburry17! She has raised money, and she's even going to get a free macbook. (=
Also, if it weren't for her having the BlogTV. I wouldn't have met so many awesome people, like Chris, Wit, and Gwyn. They are such awesome people. Well, I'm off to go watch the House Bunny!
[4 days until Christmas]

Question of the Day?: Tim Burton or Henry Selick?

Honestly, I'm going to have to pick Henry Selick. (: Yes, I know they both worked on The Nightmare Before Christmas. But Henry Selick was the Directer, and Tim Burton was the Writer. I'm sorry, but... Henry Selick FTW. Remember, comment/reply in your blog with opinion and reasoning.

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12:40 PM