November 27, 2008,
[ Current Mood : Excited ] [ Current DVD : Spongebob the Movie ] [ Current Drink/Food : Water/Crackers ] Just chillin' ya know? Haha, I'm watching my favorite movie and I'm texting my best friend! Haha, shout out to Sara Spurgeon. Anywayy! I'm sick and tired of chewing gum. Like, everytime I do I get sick. So, I'm pretty much done with it. Ahah. My iPod will be going on sale soon for $65 and stuff like that. If you want it, just let me know via a comment or a message through myspace. As for now, I'm not sure if I will sell it or not but I know that I want to sell it. :/ I'll get pictures of it later and shit like that. :] I FOUND A HUGE ELMO CARD THAT I GOT FROM TAYLOR LITTLE FOR MY BIRTHDAY IN 8TH GRADE! IT SERIOUSLY MADE ME 'ROFL'. (: That's all. xoxo Courtney Jayne
1:07 PM