December 20, 2008,
Until I wake up at an ungodly hour and open presents. 5 days until I get to leave this town and go to Chicago. 5 days until I get to visit the ones who make me glow inside and out. Everyday, just brings me closer and closer to the family that has defined who I am. Well, now that we've gotten over all the sappy shit, let's get down to business! I've been sitting here for the past three hours playing and singing to Riot! I've had the CD for A LONG LONG LONG time, and I've just now had the time to attempt to sing and play the songs. Question of the Day?: Peter Pan or Alice in Wonderland? SUCH A HARD DECISION. But, I'm going to have to pick Alice in Wonderland. The book was amazing, and the movie was just as good. I was the Mad Hatter a couple years ago for Halloween. (: Yeah, Comment/Reply in your blog with your opinion and reasoning. (:
4:18 PM