December 23, 2008,

Laptop came in yesterday, and it has vista.. but whatever. That's beside the point.

Is anyone else as disgusted with the Economy as I am? D:

ANYWAY, on to less important things. My DVD player started smoking when I tried watching The Dark Knight.. D: So, I can't watch DVD's anymore. Which really pisses me off. I've seen the movie about a thousand times anyway so it doesn't even matter, I could just watch it in the family room, but my brother is being gay out there. Oh well, I'll just switch the DVD player in my room with his since he doesn't even use his. Mhmm. Two more days until Christmas, is anyone else as excited about it as I am?! :D

writing writing writing.
fun fun fun.
party party party. :D

That's All. x)

Question of the Day?: Stephenie Meyer or J.K. Rowling?

STEPHENIE STEPHENIE STEPHENIE STEPHENIE. (: Why? Well.. only one word. "Twlight."

12:15 PM